Sunday, September 30, 2018

Cathedral Poppy Project on TV!


Stay tuned for a CTV Calgary News clip sometime in the next 10 days.  

Poppies on the webbing (close up)
Photo courtesy Pippa Fitzgerald-Finch

I am advised that Global News Calgary's clip (about 2 minutes long) of the construction of the web of poppies a the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer will happen at 6:00 p.m. (or on the newscast that begins at that time), on Monday, October 1.

I don't know if this will be shown on a Red Deer channel, but I am hopeful it will be saved to YouTube for those of us who watch online.

Poppies in perspective
Judy Chartrand, Merilyn King and Dorothy Duker
Photo courtesy Pippa Fitzgerald-Finch

More poppies tied to the webbing!
Diana Patterson (L) and Pippa Fitzgerald-Finch (standing)
Photo courtesy Pippa Fitzgerald-Finch

Poetry in Ordinary Time: Michaelmas

Saint Michael; stained glass in the Pfarrkirche St. Martin in Linz am Rhein (Germany)
The legend says "Heil Michael du Gottes Streiter" (Heil Michael, you Warrior of God). 20th c.

September 29 marked the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, also known as "Michaelmas".  It honours Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and (sometimes) Uriel.  In addition, this Festival is observed in the U.K. and Ireland as a 'time marker' -- one of the "quarter days" on the calendar, close to a solstice, that marked off when school terms began, servants were hired and leaseholds required rents paid.  This tradition developed in the Middle Ages, but is far less observed nowadays.

True to form, priest and poet Malcolm Guite has a poem for us to mark Michaelmas:

St. Michael and All Angels

Michaelmas gales assail the waning year,
And Michael's scale is true, his blade is bright.
He strips dead leaves, and leaves the living clear
To flourish in the touch and reach of light.
Archangel bring your balance, help me turn
Upon this turning world with you and dance
In the Great Dance.  Draw near, help me discern,
And trace the hidden grace in change and chance.
Angel of fire, love's fierce radiance,
Drive through the deep until the steep waves part;
Undo the dragon's sinuous influence
And pierce the clotted darkness in my heart.
Unchain the child you find there, break the spell
And overthrow the tyrannies of hell.

-- Malcolm Guite, Sounding the Seasons

Detail of an historiated initial 'T' (emporibus) with Michael the Archangel,
who holds the scales to weigh the souls at the Last Judgement and spears a dragon below his feet.
You can hear the poet read this poem aloud HERE

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Poppy Project Update!

The 'tying on' of the poppies to the netting has begun. The next three dates for tying are Friday, September 28, Monday, October 1st and Friday, October 5th -- 10 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. each day.  Volunteers are welcome!

The work is done at the Cathedral in Calgary, located at 604 1st Street SE. The main door of the Church will not be open but the door on the north side of the Church in the alley will be unlocked whilst Pippa (co-ordinator of the project) is there. If she is on her own, she might keep it locked, in which case please phone her cell so that she can let you in. 403 462 2035.

AND!! Global News will be at the Cathedral on September 28 to film a short piece about the project. Stay tuned for dates and times of airing!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

From the Facebook Page

Photo credit: Catherine Cullen, CBC News

Today our Parish is praying in particular for the people of the Ottawa-Gatineau area in Eastern Canada, in the aftermath of a series of destructive tornadoes.
Our new incumbent, Dr. Robert Sears, and his family, lived in this area and only recently sold their home there and found a new home with us in Lacombe. It would come as no surprise if people with whom he and his family were acquainted were affected by the tornadoes.
May God bless and keep them safe now, meet their needs during this challenging time, and provide the proper resources for the restoration of their homes and lives.

Monday, September 3, 2018

It's Time for our Annual Fall Dinner!

All are welcome to our
Annual Fall Feast!

What a way to kick off the City of Lacombe's
Harvest Festival Weekend!

Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Menu:  Roast beef with all the trimmings!
Our Fantastic Table of Pies!

Cost: $15.00 per person

For tickets, please call Thelma: 403-506-4955

Tickets are limited so act quickly!

We'd hate to miss you!