Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Musical Reflection for Ordinary Time

Inspired by the Old Testament passage from Isaiah (Chapter 62, verses 1-5) read on Sunday, January 20 and posted here for your reflection...

I will change your name 
You shall no longer be called 
Wounded, outcast 
Lonely or afraid 

I will change your name 
Your new name shall be 
Confidence, joyfulness 
Overcoming one 
Faithfulness, friend of God 
One who seeks my face. 

-- D.J Butler, 1987

I Will Change Your Name...

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Thoughts for the New Year

Adoration of the Magi
Edward Burne-Jones, 1904
Source: Google Cultural Institute

...Or an epiphany (of sorts) from Pastor Mark Wingfield of Dallas, Texas.  Something to ponder on the Eve of Epiphany:  

3 Words for the Church in 2019:
"As we look toward new year’s resolutions, my hope is that the Christian church might be able to utter just three simple words in 2019. These are words that would change the course of history, foster civil dialogue and perhaps even bring skeptics back into the church. But they are hard words to say: 'We were wrong.'"  (emphasis, Blog Editor)
-- Pastor Mark Wingfield, published by Baptist News Global 

To read the article in its entirely, CLICK HERE.