Saturday, March 8, 2014

Like Peter

Icon - The Transfiguration
of Jesus - ca. 1200
on the Mount at the Transfiguration of Christ, I didn't want to leave.

I know there were plenty of folks around me wanting to get up and be on their way, but I was mesmerized.  I wanted to stay and discuss, explore, go deeper, drink more coffee and go on and on into the evening.  It was selfish, I know, but Bishop Greg had that effect on me -- even, as he was, jet-lagged from a late flight in from Toronto in the wee hours of this morning.

The location: the parish hall of St. Luke's, Red Deer.
The event: a "Town Hall" meeting with the Bishop, the Executive Archdeacon, Wardens, Treasurers and some clergy of the north end of the Diocese of Calgary.
The topic for the afternoon: the mission of the Diocese.

To summarize what Bishop Greg said:

  • "Mission" is God's breaking into the world.
    • Jesus was God's first 'mission';
    • The Holy Spirit was God's second 'mission';
    • WE are God's third 'mission', charged with drawing people to God.
  • We aren't called to be "successful"; we are called to be faithful.
    • Always guided by the Great Commandments;
    • Always under the Great Commission;
    • With minds transformed and renewed to enable us to be a living sacrifice (Romans 12).
  • There are five touchstones that define and inform who we are as Christians:
    • Worship - who we are before God, totally dependent on God for everything;
    • Koinonia - part of a communion that transcends simple human fellowship, which we enter and in which we participate intentionally;
    • Didache - the teaching of the apostles, discipleship in and through the Word, which also must be carried out intentionally;
    • Diakonia - servant ministry. Ministry is not about what we need; it's about what others need, about a life of sacrifice; and
    • Kerygma - proclamation (the "E" word) -- as in "Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." -- so that others will be drawn to Christ in and through us.
It was good for us to be there -- and each of us was being called to go out into the world, back to our parishes, as servants in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Thanks be to God!

Get Me to the Church on Time!

Shared by Rev. E. English via Facebook