Drawing on Living Water
For those who couldn't get to the Lenten Quiet Day at the church today, starting today, once a week for the next five weeks in this space there will be posted one of the five meditations from scripture, and the associated questions for contemplation. Pour a cuppa, dig out your Bible and a journal, find a quiet spot, and begin...
First Meditation
Luke 4: 1-2 (NET)
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit,
returned from the Jordan
and was led by the Spirit
in the wilderness,
where for forty days
he was tempted by the devil.
He ate nothing at all during those days,
and when they were over,
he was famished.
Questions to Ponder
In what ways is my spirituality dry or empty?
What does "the wilderness" mean to me?
What are the distractions I need to put aside in order to hear God's voice?
In what ways does my soul thirst for God?