Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Music for Challenging Times...

From Guy Davis...shared by Bob Chelmick on The Road Home...

We All Need More Kindness in this World*

We all need more kindness in this world
we all need more kindness in this world
You may look high and low, but there's no
place else to go--we all need more kindness in this 

We all need more hugging in this world
we all need more hugging in this world
You may look high and low, but there's no
place else to go--we all need more hugging in this 

We all need more laughing in this world
we all need more laughing in this world
You may look high and low, but there's no
place else to go--we all need more laughing in this 

We all need more sunshine in this world
we all need more sunshine in this world
You may look high and low, but there's no
place else to go--we all need more sunshine in this 

We all need more peace-times in this world
we all need more peace-times in this world
You may look high and low, but there's no
place else to go--we all need more peace-times in this 

We all need more friendship in this world
we all need more friendship in this world
You may look high and low, but there's no
place else to go--we all need more friendship in this 


Yard Sale!

Coming the side yard at St. Cyprian's...
Our Annual...

Saturday, June 3, 2017
9:00 a.m. - noon

Coffee and goodies also on sale...

That's how we roll!

Set-up: 8:00 a.m.

Bring your contributions to the church anytime between now and then.
Please price your items if possible.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Save the Date!

British author and speaker, Michael Harvey, will be speaking at St. Leonard's on the Hill, Red Deer, on Tuesday evening, May 9.

In addition to his book, Unlocking the Growth, Mr. Harvey has written Creating a Culture of Invitation in Your Church.  He will be speaking on "the locks and blocks [that parishes have] which stall the growth of the church.  He was also the originator of "Back to Church Sunday" (which we adapted as 'Sundae Sunday').


4241 - 44th Street, Red Deer
Tuesday, May 9
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.