Sunday, June 27, 2021

Service for Sunday, June 27, 2021: Still Worshipping "In Place" (for now)

Faith in the Naked City...

 Today's Service is prepared for you by 

Rev. Dr. Robert Sears 


members of the Parish of 

St. Cyprian's Anglican Church, 

Lacombe, Alberta.

Readings for Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Wisdom of Solomon 1: 13-5, 2: 23-24

Psalm 30

2 Corinthians 8: 7-15

The Gospel of Mark 5: 21-43

Please pray for the health and safety of all those attending and facilitating the first in-person gathering since March 8, 2020; there is an outdoor service being held today at the Oatway's home, just east of Clive, AB -- and the forecast is for 25 C with a humidex to 29 at that time of day (and it will get hotter as the day goes on).

Thanks to Rev. Robert and volunteers for this week's service.

May it bless your day. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Service for Sunday, June 20, 2021: Worshipping "In Place"


Jesus Stilling the Tempest

Today's Service is presented by

Rev. Dr. Robert Sears

and members of St. John's Parish,

Olds, Alberta.

Readings for Sunday, June 20, 2021

Job 38: 1-11

Psalm 107: 1-3, 23-32

2 Corinthians 6: 1-13

The Gospel of Mark 4: 35-41

Thanks to Rev. Robert and volunteers for this week's service.

May it bless your day.

Friday, June 18, 2021

National Indigenous Day of Prayer 2021 - Resources


Further to the post earlier this week this is the LINK to the Worship Service for the Anglican Church of Canada's National Indigenous Day of Prayer, which takes place tomorrow -- June 19, 2021.  You can watch the service via YouTube or Facebook.

Note: the service begins at 9 a.m. Eastern Time,

or 7 a.m. Mountain Time here in Alberta.

There are other video resources available for use in our worship on Sunday; their use will be governed by Rev. Robert.  However, once the Sunday service has been posted on June 20, these additional resources will be included with that posting.  This is at the request of the Office of the National Indigenous Archbishop.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The National Indigenous Day of Prayer 2021


There will be special services to mark the National Indigenous Day of Prayer this year -- Monday, June 21.  The Office of the National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop  will be holding an online service on June 19, at 9 p.m. Eastern (7 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time).  Stay tuned for further information and a link to the service.

In the Diocese of Calgary, Archbishop Greg asks that, during the Prayers of the People, prayers for our Indigenous brothers and sisters be included, especially remembering the grave hurt and grief re-triggered by the finding of the 215 in Kamloops.  

The Parish of St. George, Calgary, will be holding a Zoom Worship Service on Sunday, June 20, with the Right Rev. Sidney Black, retired Indigenous Bishop, preaching.  This service begins at 9:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time.  Please contact the parish administrator for the Zoom link.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

ZOOM! Lectionary Study


An invitation from Rev. Robert:

"We will be holding a lectionary study Wednesday evenings at 7 pm Mountain Time (GMT-7) via Zoom. We will be discussing the readings of the coming Sunday. It is an open event. Everyone can attend."

On Wednesday, June 16, the the focus of the reading will be Mark 4: 35-41

Please e-mail Rev. Robert for the Zoom link!

NOTE:  This will be the last Lectionary Study before the summer break. 

Service for Sunday, June 13, 2021: Worshipping "In Place"


Today's Service is prepared for you by 

Rev. Dr. Robert Sears 


members of the Parish of 

St. Cyprian's Anglican Church, 

Lacombe, Alberta.

Readings for Sunday, June 13, 2021

1 Samuel 15: 34 - 16: 13

Psalm 20

2 Corinthians 5: 6-17

The Gospel of Mark 4: 26-34

Thanks to Rev. Robert and volunteers for this week's service.

May it bless your day. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Reflection in Ordinary Time: The Son of Encouragement

Today is the Feast Day of St. Barnabas, born Joseph in Cyprus (date unknown) but nick-named 'Bar Nabas' -- 'Son of Encouragement' -- by his companions, followers of The Way, because of his encouraging nature.  

Source: St. Barnabas Episcopal Church

Dean Robert Willis of Canterbury Cathedral provides readings and  reflection on the life, history and personality of Barnabas in today's Morning Prayer service from the Garden Congregation.  In the process he ties in others in history who have been known for thoughtful encouragement whether in politics, government or the arts, and remembers the current council known as the G7, which is coming together these next three days -- democratic world leaders meeting to encourage each other, to discuss global problems and issues in the interests of world health and peace.

May the Dean's reflections and prayers give you food for thought, and bless your day.

Reading for today: Acts 11: 19-27

Collect for the Feast of Saint Barnabas*

Merciful God,

help us to follow the example of your faithful servant Barnabas,

who, seeking not his own reknown

but the well-being of your Church,

gave generously of his life and substance

for the relief of the poor and the spread of the gospel;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


*Book of Alternative Services, p. 409

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Calgary Cursillo Fundraiser Continues!


A reminder from the Calgary Cursillo community: there are just 17 days left to bid on items in the online fund-raising auction. To view the unique, artful, useful and sometimes funky items, click HERE. Thanks for your support!

Sunday, June 6, 2021

ZOOM! Lectionary Study


An invitation from Rev. Robert:

"We will be holding a lectionary study Wednesday evenings at 7 pm Mountain Time (GMT-7) via Zoom. We will be discussing the readings of the coming Sunday. It is an open event. Everyone can attend."

On Wednesday, June 9, the readings discussed

 will be for Sunday, June 13 as follows:

1 Samuel 5: 34 - 6: 13; Psalm 20; 

2 Corinthians 5: 6-17; and the Gospel of Mark 4: 26-34.

Note: the meeting lasts an hour, so there's time to discuss at least one or two of the readings.

Please e-mail Rev. Robert for the Zoom link!

Service for Sunday, June 6, 2021: The Feast of Corpus Christi - Worshipping "In Place"


Today's Service is presented by

Rev. Dr. Robert Sears

and members of St. John's Parish,

Olds, Alberta.

Readings for Sunday, June 6, 2021

Exodus 24: 3-8

Psalm 116: 12-18

Hebrews 9: 11-15

The Gospel of Mark 14: 12-16, 22-26

Thanks to Rev. Robert and volunteers for this week's service.

May it bless your day.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Reflection for Ordinary Time: The Feast of Corpus Christi 2021

In the Church of England, the Thursday after Trinity Sunday is marked as a day of remembrance and thanksgiving for the institution of Holy Communion (Eucharist), called the Feast of Corpus Christi, and there are special services and liturgy selected.

This year, today is the date of that occasion, which is -- as is Easter -- a "moveable feast".  For your thoughts and reflections today, the following is the Morning Prayer service from Canterbury Cathedral, with Dean Robert Willis and what he fondly calls his "Garden Congregation.  

May it bless your day.  😊