From Rev. Robert re: the latest from the Archbishop's COVID-19 Taskforce:
Parish Council decided we will work towards in-person services [at St. Cyprian's, Lacombe] starting November 14. The active case rate is still as high in Lacombe and county, as high as it was when we suspended services in September. Here's hoping it will be at a less risky active case rate by mid-November.
On October 27 the Archbishop has instructed us to follow the standard COVID protocols, including mandatory masks, social distancing, hand sanitizing, limited numbers, priestly intinction, etc. Singing will be allowed with masks on, but social gatherings are not yet allowed. Please see the Archbishop's letter for details.
In order to make in-person services work we will be starting up the rotas. So, if you were a regular on the sides persons, counters, readers, or intercessors lists, then you will be called. We need to have more people helping out in order to make in-person services work for everyone involved.
The Rev. Robert Sears