A video sermon from Rev. Robert Sears for Shepherd Sunday (April 21, 2024) -- recorded April 26.
The Gospel passage for that Sunday was John 10:11-21
A video sermon from Rev. Robert Sears for Shepherd Sunday (April 21, 2024) -- recorded April 26.
The Gospel passage for that Sunday was John 10:11-21
Rev. Ed Trevors is the incumbent of the Anglican parish of St. Margaret of Scotland in Nova Scotia. Recorded on the evening of Earth Day (April 22) he brings this story of hope. May it bless your day. 😊
This sermon is on the text from 1John 3: 1-7, which was the Second Lesson from the Lectionary for April 14, 2014. The recording was made over this past weekend, and only brought to the attention of your blog Editor this evening. I apologize for the delay, but there was no announcement from Rev. Sears that he had done this recording.
Allelluia! Christ is Risen!
The Lord is risen indeed! Allelluia!
Some Christians have reportedly said, "We're already believers. Why would we need a course on Christianity?" Meet the fellow who created such a course -- and Christians and 'nons' ate it up: