Monday, September 16, 2019

Parishioners' Reflections: Sonia Smith

Sonia has been sharing her thoughts on the services on the parish Facebook page.  For those of you who don't wish to use Facebook, she's accepted an invitation to share them here too from time to time...

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Just sharing my thoughts on today`s church service. Brian Chapman did a fabulous job. He speaks so well and so clearly. As it was a beautiful day out church had a few less members but we had a good turnout as always and it was great to see the church family once again.
The sermon Brian gave was thought provoking. He has given me something to think on for the week. Little did he know he actually gave out I always try to find something in the service to bring back home with me and think on. Today`s was no exception. It made me think at that moment sitting in the pew, that no matter who people are, what they are, what they do, we should reach out to them. To save only one, just one.
The parables used today were interesting, especially about the woman who lost the coin and searched and searched until she found it, to save it. While Brian talked, the nicest thing happened...this wave of peace came over me. It was truly amazing. My restless heart and spirit had a peace I`d never felt before. I know not why then it happened. But it did. I felt so at peace and so good about everything. I could breath again. Wow! it was amazing.
Today`s lunch menu...can`t forget that...amazing! Fellowship once again was a special time. Until next week....   Sonia.

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