Friday, December 6, 2019

The Feast of St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas
Artist: Jaroslav Cermak (1831 - 1878)
Source: Wikimedia Commons

If you subscribe to the Anglican Journal, you may have seen the article about Bishop Nicholas of Myra -- who we know today as St. Nicholas, the person on whom the legend of Santa Claus is based.

He was born on or about March 15, 270 CE and died December 6, 343 CE; thus his Feast or Commemoration Day is December 6.  He was known for many miracles, and for his particular generosity to the poor, the oppressed and children -- whose lives were often impoverished and brutal in those days of the Roman Empire.  As Steve Bell opines on his reflection on Nicholas (from his Pilgrim Year Series book, Advent),

"[Nicholas] clearly saw the link between chronic poverty and slavery and acted selflessly to interrupt the devastating consequences of deprivation...
During Advent, those of us who claim the Christian story as our own...may want to redouble our efforts on behalf of the disenfranchised and vulnerable poor."

Let's be God's heart, hands and feet here on earth -- and go forth to love and serve...with kindness.


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