Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 31 Trifecta...


Tonight there will be a "blue moon" -- not a moon that's coloured blue, but one that is called this because it's the second full moon in a single month.  For more on exactly how this occurs and when, click HERE.

Being October 31, it's also Hallowe'en -- or 'All Hallows Eve', the start of a period in which the Church remembers 'all hallows', or all the hallowed and saintly souls in the history of Christianity, and those near and dear to us who have left this earth for the hallowed halls of heaven.  

And then...this's also the eve of the first Saturday of November which, at least in recent years, means it's also the evening when -- at bedtime -- people in many countries around the globe find themselves setting their clocks and other time-pieces back one hour, moving from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time again!

However spooked you are by the blue moon, however celebratory your Hallowe'en, please remember to...

Have a great weekend!

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