Monday, May 31, 2021

Reflection in Ordinary Time: The Feast of the Visitation


Statue of the Visitation
 in the Church of the Visitation.
located at Ein Karim, Israel
Source: Deror Avi, 
Head of the Elef Milim Project

Wikimedia Commons

Today marks the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin, Elizabeth.  The following is a sonnet for your enjoyment, and the Collect for this day (Book of Alternative Services, p. 408).

The Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth

Here is a meeting made of hidden joys

Of lightenings cloistered in a narrow place

From quiet hearts the sudden flame of praise

And in the womb the quickening kick of grace.

Two women on the very edge of things

Unnoticed and unknown to men of power

But in their flesh the hidden Spirit sings

And in their lives the buds of blessing flower.

And Mary stands with all we call ‘too young’,

Elizabeth with all called ‘past their prime’

They sing today for all the great unsung

Women who turned eternity to time

Favoured of heaven, outcast on the earth

Prophets who bring the best in us to birth.

                    -- Malcolm Guite, from Sounding the Seasons, Canterbury Press 2012

NOTE: to hear the poet reading the sonnet aloud, click HERE.

Blessed is she who believed that the Lord's promise would be fulfilled.

-- Luke 1: 45

Collect for the Visitation

Almighty God,

who looked with favour on your servant Mary,

and called her to be the mother of your Son,

nurture in us the humility and gentleness

that found favour in your sight,

that with her we may proclaim the greatness of you name

and find the mercy you show to those who fear you;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and th Holy Spirit,

on God, for ever and ever.


May this bless your day.  😊

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