Thursday, August 26, 2021

PWRDF's Vaccine Equity Program

A note from your weblog Editor:

Currently I'm home isolating through Sept. 2, having contracted a case of COVID-19 -- a "break-through" case, because I've been fully vaccinated since July 16. It's not been a picnic, I can tell you, but this is Day 5 since the start of my symptoms and I am feeling significantly better. I hate to think what would have happened had I not had the vaccine!!

Vaccines don't cure diseases -- but they reduce their impact and their spread. Vaccines are the reason small pox and polio have been essentially eradicated from the globe. It could be the same with COVID-19 -- and this virus could cease to mutate into more dangerous forms -- if enough people around the world were vaccinated. This is why I've just donated to the Vaccine Equity Program established by PWRDF. It's working primarily in Africa to ensure vaccines against COVID are available in so many communities without proper health care. (see

I rarely talk about donating to anything, but ours is a parish that supports PWRDF and its work. If you are a regular donor to PWRDF, please consider marking your next donation(s) to go to this important and life-saving project -- the Vaccine Equity Program. If you're not a regular PWRDF donor (I'm not), please consider a donation at least once to this cause. And if you are able and eligible to be vaccinated (no medical contraindications) -- and have yet to do so -- get yourself vaccinated! It might just save your life.

Thanks, and may your day be blessed.

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