Saturday, February 12, 2022

Reflection in Ordinary Time: Sharing Thoughts on Isaiah

Here is another shared video from the United Church in Sherwood Park, where the daughter of your Editor worships.  Again, notice that we are not alone in trying to figure out who and what we are as a parish in these fluctuating pandemic times.  Note as well that "We Have This MInistry" is in the Songs for a Gospel People, and we've sung it frequently when Alison and I lead worship in song.  It has a message that works for all of us now -- for those in that parish of another denomination in Sherwood Park, and for those of us worshipping both at St. John's Anglican church in Olds, and at St. Cyprian's in Lacombe.  

The "meeting"  of which the United church minister speaks is the Sunday Zoom worship that's currently practiced weekly there -- for now.  We will be worshipping by video tomorrow too (Feb 13) -- but hopefully in person --  possibly as soon as next week.  As we wait to be with each other again. let's ponder and consider what that minister has said, the passages from scripture he read and interpreted.... and let's go forward prayerfully, by the grace of the God we all worship and glorify. 

What "new thing" has God in store for us?

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