Monday, September 4, 2023

Service for Sunday, September 3, 2023: Morning Prayer in Your "Jammies"

 It's September! Thus, Rev. Robert Sears has returned to recorded Morning Prayer services. This service for Sunday, September 3, 2023 is provided by Rev. Robert on behalf of the Anglican Parish of St. John's, Olds, Alberta. May it bless your day. 😊

Readings for September 4, 2023: Creation I

Exodus 3: 1-15

Psalm 105: v. 1-6, v. 23-26; 45

Romans 12: 9-21

The Gospel of Matthew: 16: 21-28

Robert writes this about the Gospel reading:

The reading was Matthew 16:21-28, which is Jesus' first passion prediction in Matthew. In that reading Jesus predicts suffering, death, and resurrection. Peter tries to correct Jesus, thinking he is just having a bad day. Jesus chastizes Peter for not appreciating the necessity of suffering to his mission. He also tells the disciples that if they are to follow him, they need to take up their own cross. But what does that mean?

Today I look at that question. In order to better understand it, I look at different views about suffering. The two main views differ on whether suffering is avoidable or not. Of those that suggest suffering is indeed avoidable, some blame others, others blame ourselves and the way we look at at our suffering. Of those that suggest suffering is unavoidable, one view suggests it can be overcome. The other says it can be redeemed.

I know suffering is not something we like to acknowledge or discuss, but it is both at the heart of the Gospel and Jesus' mission. We can't claim to understand either if we don't look seriously at what Jesus was saying that his followers would have to take up their cross to follow him.

I suggest in my sermon that the cross we are called to pick up is just that suffering which is found in our lives. We are to pick up OUR cross not someone else's suffering or some delegated trouble. I also suggest some concrete ways in which we can redeem the time we have found and find in suffering.

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