Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Sermon for Lent IV: The Freedom of Responsibility

Rev. Robert Sears has recorded his sermon from Sunday, March 10th -- the 4th Sunday in Lent. May it bless your day. 😊

He writes this about his reflections:
"Lent 4 gives us both readings: Numbers 21:4-9and John 3:13-21.
"Jesus refers to the bronze serpent in a metaphor of himself. But how was it used in the Book of Numbers?

"In Numbers the bronze serpent is a part of an object lesson for the Israelites. They were free from Pharaoh, but they were not ready for the freedom to be responsible for their own lives together. They were afraid of the open road before them. They would rather complain about God and Moses: they had neither food nor water, and they didn't like the food and water Moses gave them. They were their own worst enemies. They even longed for the false security of their former bondage. They were sorely tempted by the complete abandonment of responsibility for their own lives. The lesson behind the bronze serpent is to stop complaining and wanting to outsource the responsibility for your own life. See the value of life. Look to God's gifts and provision. Walk before God in the freedom to live a life of responsibility."

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