Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Do You Know What You are Doing?

Presentation of Christ at the Temple
Hans Holbein the Elder, 1500-01
Sunday, February 2 marked the Presentation of the baby Jesus in the Temple, also known as Candlemas.  In the tradition of Jewish families, Mary had completed her postpartum ritual purification, and Jesus, as the first born son of Mary and Joseph, was to be presented to God in the Temple (Exodus 13:13-16). It is likely this presentation also coincided with his ritual circumcision.

This tradition is still practiced by Jewish families today.  Known in Hebrew as a pidyon haben, or redemption of the first-born son, it is considered a mitzvah (carrying out of a commandment from God).

On Sunday, baby Spencer was presented to the Church and became a member of the Body of Christ through the sacrament of baptism.

During her sermon, Pastor Lee recalled a question asked years ago in a sermon at an ordination:

Do you know what you are doing?

She posed this question of all of us, as we prepared to welcome Spencer into the family of Christ. Did his parents and godparents know what they were doing, making promises on his behalf?  Did they know what they were doing, making promises to bring him up in the Body, observing worship, fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers?  Did we, as a congregation, know what we were doing as we vowed to help his parents and godparents in their task?

Let us pray our answer, "YES".

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