Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Lectio Poetica for the End of the Year

I heard this poem read on an old episode of Bob Chelmick's "The Road Home" on CKUA early this morning...and thought it right and true for a year-end reflection.  Blessings to all for the New Year...


The white pages of a book
The many ways a hand can open
and close.
The brief darkness
of a plane in front of the sun,
lives suspended overhead.
The way plants eat light -
that is holy.
The endless voice of the ocean.
The streets of early morning
when lone lights shine from the windows
of the elderly.
The eyes of someone who has lost love.
It is in the breath, and gathers into
small sounds:
bread, home, yes.
When you bite into an apple and taste rain
That is.

- Rosemary Griebel, Calgary poet and librarian, from her book, Yes (QUARTET 2011)

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