Sunday, March 29, 2020

An Interview -- and a Prayer

It's not unusual these days to find some parts of our dear church that are well-versed in things technological and others...well, others that are either scrambling to become moreso quickly, and still others that will have a great deal of work to do to connect online.

That said, technology use is a two-way street: there are those who seek to reach out by using technology, but they won't be effective unless there are those on the receiving end!

One of the parishes in Canada that has quite a sophisticated technological outreach -- in part due to the composition of its congregation and its overall approach to ministry and mission -- is St. Benedict's Table in Winnipeg, MB.

I have shared samplings from this parish before -- it's produced an almost-weekly podcast for several years now, and singer-songwriter Steve Bell (often shown in this space) is a parishioner. 

During this challenging time -- a global health crisis that has propelled all of us regardless of nation, political stripe, race, or faith practice into a place of uncertainty -- using our technology to enhance and provide the blessing of inter-personal connection across space and time is more important than ever.

St. Ben's is one of the parishes in the Anglican Church of Canada that has found itself able to answer this call, and it has created a special series of podcasts entitled, "For a Time Like This".  

One of these podcasts is an interview that Rev. Jamie Howison conducted with our Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls.

I invite you to pour a cuppa and take a bit of time to listen to their discussion, and to absorb her words of wisdom and encouragement.  You can hear the podcast by clicking HERE...but I also encourage you to explore the other offerings in this special series.

For additional resources to manage at this time, you might also check out the digital resources provided by the Anglican Church of Canada's website HERE.

May your evening be blessed.

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