Sunday, June 14, 2020

Service for June 14, 2020: Worshipping "In Place"

This week's service is brought to us by the Parish of St. John's, Olds, Alberta.

Readings for Sunday, June 14, 2020

Exodus 19: 2 - 8a
Psalm 100
Romans 5: 1-8
The Gospel of Matthew 9:35 - 10:16

Selected Hymns

O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High - Common Praise #628
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise - Common Praise #393
Crown Him with Many Crowns - Common Praise #378
More Than We Can Ask or Imagine - Common Praise #86

For those who wish to listen only to the sermon:

Rev. Dr. Sears provides these notes about his sermon:

The sermon begins with a parallel from history, specifically 165 AD, the period of the movie 2000 Gladiator. It then discusses the differences between the first mission of the Apostles and the Great Commission, which we read last week. The focus is on how Christians are both called and have excelled in caring for others, beginning in the near fields and moving outward to more distant fields. The harvest is plentiful. The sermon also discusses how Deism is different than Jesus's notion of heaven and who Jesus was likely referring to with the phrase "the lost sheep of Israel."

Thanks to Rev. Dr. Robert Sears
and the parishioners of
the Parish of St. John's, Olds, Alberta

May this bless your day!

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