Sunday, March 20, 2022

Service for Sunday, March 20, 2022: Worshipping "In Place" (If You Prefer)


This morning's online Morning Prayer Service is provided by Rev. Robert Sears, who will be serving Eucharist in person at the Anglican Parish of St. John's, Olds -- God and Mother Nature permitting.  

Yours truly is hoping to provide an in-person service of Morning Prayer at St. Cyprian's, Lacombe.  As he recorded yesterday, and as I write this, we remain under a freezing-rain-turning-to-heavy-snowfall warning.  

From where I sit as I post this at 6:30 a.m. Mountain Time, 43 km west of Lacombe and 1 1/2 hour's drive northeast of Olds, nothing is happening.  No rain, no snow.  But this being Alberta, it could turn on a dime anytime between now and the time I'm due to leave for the church -- in a couple of hours.  Please keep our travels in your prayers this morning.

Rev. Robert's notes on his sermon today: 

"The message of our gospel for the third Sunday in Lent is to bear fruit and grow in your spiritual life. This means bearing the fruit of the spirit, not forgetting our interdependence on God, and caring for our gift of life with renewed seriousness. We need to welcome with thanks the gifts of love and care that we have received. That requires we at least count them up. We need to develop our gifts of love and care that we share with our people and all those who cross our path.

"Love and care are the very soil in which we live and move. If we are to take our faith to heart then we need to tend to the soil in which we are planted. Contrary to popular opinion, we cultivate our spiritual lives together. Even in just the hour or two we spend together each week we reaffirm our faith and return together to commune with God through word and sacrament. Worship is a return to the ground our of being, an expression of our faith, and an encouragement.

"There is strength we can find in meeting together to consider the words of scripture, especially when those words feel challenging to us. We can think together about the words of scripture, their meaning, and their application to our lives. We can also offer and receive words of encouragement one to another."

Readings for Sunday, March 20, 2022

 Isaiah 55: 1-9

 Psalm 63: 1-8

 1 Cor. 10: 1-13

 Luke 13: 1-9.  

May this bless your day. 😊

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