Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Still More Wise Words on a Wednesday...

 Wise words on a Wednesday...from Rev. Ed Trevors of the Anglican parish of St. Margaret of Scotland, Halifax, NS: "Love, Hope and Optimism" May this bless your day. 😊

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Prayer in a Summer of Wild Fires

 Wildfires have destroyed much of the town of Jasper, Alberta, as of this morning.  People have been evacuated to Calgary for safety, but may have little or nothing to come home to when all is said and done.

The Anglican Diocese of Calgary has shared this request and photo:

Please continue to pray for the people who live, work and worship in Jasper. Among many other buildings, it has been confirmed that the Anglican Church in Jasper is now gone.
The Anglican Parish of
St. Mary & St. George, Jasper, Alberta
July 25, 2024

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. - Ps. 46:1 (KJV)


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

More Wise Words on a Wednesday...

Wise words on a Wednesday...from Rev. Ed Trevors of the Anglican parish of St. Margaret of Scotland in Halifax, Nova Scotia...May they bless your day. 😊

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wise Words on a Wednesday...

In the wake of tragedy in Pennsylvania on Saturday evening...this commentary from Rev. Ed Trevors of the Anglican parish of St. Margaret of Scotland in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  May its food for thought bless your day.  💓

Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Sermon from Sunday, June 30, 2024

Rev. Robert Sears has recorded a video of his sermon delivered in the parish of St. Cyprian's, Lacombe, on Sunday, June 30. The Biblical text is the reading from 2 Corinthians 8:7-15.  

EDITOR'S NOTE: On June 30, I posted a link to a video from Rev. Ed Trevors of the Anglican Parish of St. Margaret of Scotland in Halifax, NS, which was thought to echo some of Rev. Robert's sentiments in this now-recorded video.  If you are interested, you can watch Rev. Trevors' video HERE.

Rev. Robert comments: "An audio file (only) of my sermon on 2 Corinthians 8.7-15. In this epistle Paul is trying to get the Corinthians to follow through with their promise and desire to give the the collection for the persecuted Christians in Jerusalem. Essentially he is writing a memorial -- a written reminder of a decision another group has made and encouragement that they follow through with it. What is interesting is the fact that Paul neither commands the Corinthians to give nor does he advocate their poverty. Paul thinks giving should not be too much nor too little. And when he cites Exodus 16:18 Paul suggests a fair balance can be achieved through generosity, without an egalitarian rule that defines what each individual's surplus wealth amounts to."
May it bless your day. ðŸ™‚