Sunday, June 30, 2024

Thoughts About a Homily and a Podcast...

This morning (Sunday, June 30-2024), Rev. Robert Sears spoke on our reading from 2 Corinthians 8:7-15, in which Paul was writing about a commitment the Church in Corinth had made to support the poor -- specifically, the impoverished Church in Jerusalem, which was suffering hardship due to persecution.

Sometime in the last 24 hours, the Supreme Court of the US ruled in favour of the town of Grant's Pass, Oregon, which wanted its police force to ticket (and therefore fine/criminalize) people who were homeless, living in tents or other structures on public property.

Rev. Ed Trevors, an Anglican priest at the Parish of St. Margaret of Scotland in Nova Scotia, had some thoughts about this that perhaps align with what Paul was writing about in today's passage, and about what Rev. Robert was speaking of in his homily. I leave you to watch and judge for yourselves...

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