Monday, June 24, 2024

A Worthwhile Read...

What follows is a link to a CBC article that I cannot share directly on Facebook, due to Facebook's policy about Canadian news (a rabbit hole I won't take you down here!).  

THIS ARTICLE is about a centenarian and his wife who remain active in their Anglican parish in Westlock, Alberta.  He's currently the Rector's Warden -- and is now driven to church in the priest's car.  

Here at St. Cyprian's we've bemoaned the fact there are fewer of us and all of us are aging and feel less able to do many of the activities we used to do -- yet this year we still did our bit for the County's Highway Clean-up, and on Saturday, we held a bang-up yard sale on our west lawn.  Let us take inspiration from Mr. and Mrs. McConaghy (married 80 years!!) as we seek to move forward.  And let  us take inspiration from the small parish in Westlock, who's priest is 78 years old and just celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination.

The article includes a link to a short video -- in which you also see Mr. McConaghy ringing the bell for the service!  


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