Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Month of Living Sacramentally

On Advent 1, Lee spoke about taking time as we prepare for Christmas, to examine our lives widely, discerning how much of what we do, think and say in the wider world shows that we are a sacramental people -- that we have been 'set apart' in and for the Lord's service.  She spoke of feeling called to learn more about intercessory prayer as part of her intention to live in this way, and describes her experience of this new call on her life:

While I was on a clergy silent retreat at Sanctum in Caroline in November 2012, I ventured into the conference room to read and enjoy a hot cup of tea. I found a place to sit, and started looking at my surroundings before settling in. My eyes rested on an icon above the door to a study, and at that moment my heart skipped a beat and I was smitten.
Rev. David Krause, a former spiritual director and mentor in my discernment for ordination, (and icon writer) once told me that you do not pick the icon; the icon picks you. Now I understand what he meant. This icon had picked me.
At the time I was reading the Revelations of Julian of Norwich, in particular this phrase “We can, with His grace and His help, remain in spiritual contemplation”. It fit with another phrase I heard, although don’t know the author: “You become that which you habitually contemplate.”
So, the icon had chosen me and I was being called to contemplate it. After some searching, I found out that it is called “Mary the Intercessor”.
So for the next little while – months, years? – I am going to contemplate Mary the Intercessor to learn all that she wishes to teach me. And I invite you to journey with me. I will blog some of the things I am learning; maybe they will be helpful to you in your own prayer life. God bless!

Mary the Intercessor

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