Saturday, December 14, 2013

Living Sacramentally II

 This is the second excerpt in a series written by Pastor Lee about her spiritual work with the icon "Mary the Intercessor".  What can we learn from Lee's learning?

Mary the Intercessor
My first prayer time alone with Mary the Intercessor felt a bit awkward. Praying with an icon is a new experience for me, and with many new experiences it takes time to settle in, to feel comfortable, and to accept new ways of doing things. I think Mary has much to teach me about intercessory prayer and I want to listen well to her lessons.
For my first prayer time I just studied the icon – searching out details, looking for things I might have missed in glancing at her from afar, waiting to see if my eyes were drawn anywhere in particular.

My eyes were drawn to Mary’s eyes, which to me are gazing softly (like gazing off into space, or that “daydreaming” look) rather than staring intently. She is neither looking upwards toward heaven nor out at us. To whom or what are they pointing; to whom or what are they drawing our attention?
I might have thought that if she was praying intently, her eyes might be closed. This has been my usual practice in prayer; time to try something new!
Opening my eyes has been a tremendous blessing. It is easier to stay awake and focused on prayer when sitting relaxed and quietly with open eyes.
Which presented another problem: what are you supposed to look at? There are many distractions when your eyes are open. Again, Mary to the rescue! Holding the icon, I let my eyes comfortably rest at a natural angle on a spot on the icon. The icon became like white noise – I was aware of it but not, and it enabled me to blot out any distractions. Although my eyes were gazing outward, I was looking inward; perhaps this is what Mary is doing.
Mary’s eyes are looking downward; this could be natural, since she is bent slightly forward. However, maybe she is communicating more to me than simply posture in prayer. Maybe she is reminding me to keep the downtrodden and lowly in my prayers. And/or maybe she is reminding me that humility is a significant quality to have as an intercessor.
My open eyes became an outward sign that my body, mind and soul were opening to hearing God speaking to me.
So, note to self: pray with your eyes open!

NOTE: Part I may be viewed HERE.

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