Friday, March 19, 2021

An Oasis of Reflection for Lent: The Feast of St. Joseph of Nazareth


St. Joseph with the Infant Jesus
Guido Reni (1575 - 1642)
Painted ca. 1620
Source: Wikipedia

March 19 marks the Feast of St. Joseph, earthly father of Jesus.  Today in the UK has also been named "Red Nose Day" -- a day on which people are charged with the task of making someone smile, whether by comic relief (hence the wearing of red noses) or by engaging -- where able -- in light-hearted sports or games.  

Dean Robert Willis of the Cathedral in Canterbury has woven these themes together in his Morning Prayer reflections in the Deanery Gardens this morning.  May his readings, thoughts and prayers in the video below bless your day.  😊

Collect for St. Joseph of Nazareth*

O God, 
from the family of your servant David
you raised up Joseph
to be the guardian of your incarnate Son.
Give us grace to follow him
in faithful obedience to your commands;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

*Book of Alternative Services, p. 402

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